How to Remove Your Information From WhitePages


Written by: Adam
November 1st, 2021

Table of Contents

Remove Yourself from WhitePages with Professional Assistance

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Is WhitePages Breaking the Law?

How Can I Remove Info from White Pages?

Is WhitePages 100% Accurate?

How to Opt Out From WhitePages: The Opt Out Form Beginning the Removal Request Process

How Can NetReputation Help?

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Need a fast and easy way to remove your information from Whitepages and other data sites? Call our Online Removal Team today!


With the emergence of social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, it is now extremely easy to spy on others.


We often see credit reporting agencies and reputation management companies refer to the “dark web”. What exactly does this mean? Is there actually a dark web? Or is it just a marketing tactic to entice prospects to engage with a company?


When we refer to the dark web, for the most part, we mean background reporting agencies, people search sites, or credit reporting sites that anyone can use to access your personal information in a few clicks.


Of these resources, WhitePages is one of the largest data aggregate websites that store everything about individuals from their name, address, contact information (email address and phone) all the way to their criminal history and employment past. WhitePages listings feature prominently in search engines results; in a few clicks, your personal info appears at the top of most major search sites.

Remove Yourself from WhitePages with Professional Assistance

If you have not already removed your information or paid a reputation company to do it for you, we can assure you that your personal and private information is out there and people are looking at it whether you believe it or not.


How does WhitePages obtain this information? Who operates the database? How do you remove yourself from WhitePages and make your information private once again?


We will walk you through all of this within this blog article. NetReputation is the leading personal data removal expert; our team of professionals is ready to help you protect your privacy and personal info from data brokers on the web. Please contact us using the form below if you have any additional questions or would like to know how to remove your information from WhitePages.

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In this digital age, the manpower behind most of these websites such as WhitePages is automated. WhitePages utilizes scraping software to scour the internet collecting information and importing it into individual records for individuals. WhitePages Premium then charges a premium fee for anyone who wishes to gain access.


Gone are the days of receiving that thick YellowPages book to your front door. Remember those? What a waste of paper!


Once others learned these books were a huge waste of resources we started to see background reporting agencies appear online. This is essentially a web-based version of YellowPages. In simple terms, WhitePages is a data broker site, collecting information and selling it to others. For the WhitePages Premium version, users simply have to pay a monthly fee if they wish to continuously look up to other individuals. The other version is a free WhitePages site, offering limited information and functionality for users. To get the most out of the site, WhitePages Premium is the preferred resource for premium listings and other information not offered by the free version.


As we touched upon in the previous section, WhitePages and WhitePages Premium use various automated scaping tools to search the internet looking for useless information about people. This is similar to the tools used by most other people search sites and data brokers resources available online.


Most of the information gained by WhitePages is given to them by major phone companies. Still more personal information is obtained by scraping public records for personal data. Public records may include details about you like:


  • Criminal records
  • Financial records
  • Names of family members
  • Traffic records
  • Home and mailing addresses
  • Business and personal telephone numbers as well as cell phone numbers
  • Contact information not available in standard listings

WhitePages obtains information from a wide range of third party sources. With one simple WhitePages search, your private information is available in search results for all the world to see.

Whitepages Search Find Know

Is WhitePages Breaking the Law?

In short, no.


Popular people search sites such as WhitePages are within all legal rights to give out your personal information. And most of the information stems from social media, public records, or other premium information readily available to anyone with access to the World Wide Web. If you wish to view details on any person — including private info — simply typing their name into the search box on the site will deliver a unique WhitePages listing.


Think about it: do you really want a stranger to be able to view details about you and your family? Do you want your phone number published on a site you have no control over? If your personal info is important to you, you will want to keep that information private. When you choose to opt out of the WhitePages database, you can prevent the ability to view details about you, your phone numbers, or any other information listed. This is peace of mind and personal privacy in a nutshell.

How Can I Remove Info from White Pages?

So, how do you remove yourself from WhitePages? Is there any way?


Fortunately, there is an easy answer for how to remove your details from WhitePages and WhitePages Premium. These websites give you opt out forms as of recently, so you do not even have to make an account in order to remove your listing information. The only thing required to opt out is an email address.


Simply create a “burner” or new email solely for this where you can ditch later on and never use it again. The purpose of an email is so WhitePages can send you a verification code when working to remove your name from their database. First, you verify your identity via email and within 48 hours your content will be removed. The confirmation code — usually a four digit code — is used to help prove that you are the one making the opt out of WhitePages request.


Unfortunately, there is no way to call now to verify if you are who you say you are. Phone calls to the WhitePages support department rarely turn up any useful information. Only by selecting the WhitePages Opt Out link from a dropdown menu can you begin to request directly that your info is removed from the listing.


Luckily, the above is not the only way you can protect your own information from snooping on personnel search websites. NetReputation is able to work on your behalf to remove your personal information for a few days by managing the WhitePages opt out process for you.

Is WhitePages 100% Accurate?

Yes and no. It can be tricky to verify the accuracy of the free information WhitePages publishes. For example, if your name is John Smith, WhitePages has the tendency to blend information together for many different John Smiths. Getting a correct listing on the first try can often be difficult, even for White Pages Premium subscribers. Just because it is a premium listing on the site doesn’t mean it is any more accurate than a free listing.


In addition, people tend to exaggerate themselves on social media where the information collected by WhitePages may be slightly skewed. Remember that a lot of the information displayed in a listing is pulled directly from activity on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and dozens of other social media platforms.


Myriad local, state, and federal laws protect these sites, provided that the free WhitePages listings are accurate and reflect the correct information on a given person. Imagine if you are the wrong person and your information somehow gets leaked. Your personal and professional reputations may be damaged, requiring the assistance of an online reputation management company to restore.

How to Opt Out From WhitePages: The Opt Out Form

As we already told you, removing yourself from WhitePages and/or WhitePage Premium is now easier than ever.


There is no click call method where you can pick up your phone and contact an individual at WhitePages. You cannot call now to verify that your information in the listing is incorrect or relates to another person either. Even without these features, WhitePages still offers tools to manage the Whitepages opt out process. On the site, there are “remove my buttons” on a drop down menu and a WhitePages opt-out page along with a step-by-step walkthrough to remove information included within their database. These options send you a verification code to your email address; without the verification code, you will be unable to complete the opt out process.

Beginning the Removal Request Process

The first thing you need to do is locate your record within their database. After that, copy and paste the profile URL to either a notepad or Word document so that you have it at your fingertips. You will need the URL later on once you reach the opt-out page.


Most people search if websites offer a simple page where you can give them an email. This is where you will give WhitePages the burner email you created. Once you have fulfilled the necessary requirements on the opt-out form, you will be asked to verify your request by either phone confirmation or by email. An opt out request can only be processed by email and WhitePages hides its phone number to prevent individuals from calling. You may not even get responses from the support request page of most people search websites. In other words, follow the opt out instructions, get your verification code, and wait until the information is removed from the site.


Click on this link to view WhitePages opt-out


At the end of the day, there are over 45 different variations of WhitePages online, including White Pages Sarasota FL and dozens of other city-specific sites.

How Can NetReputation Help?

At NetRepuation, our team specializes in removing all of the people search websites you are located on. We have many years of combined experience in helping our clients protect their online privacy by removing their personal info from data brokers sites, people search sites, personnel listing sites, and more. We apply proven strategies and tools to identify the personal data available about you, then create an action plan to not only remove this information, but to keep information private. The WhitePages website can be useful; unfortunately, too many people use it to spy on others. NetReputation is the leading online reputation management and information removal company on the web. We produce results where others can’t.


If you are interested in learning more about how to remove your information from WhitePages and how our removal process works, please fill out the form below and one of our reputation specialists will reach out to you within 24 hours. When you’re to begin opt out of WhitePages, we’re ready to help you take charge of the information available about you online.

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